
Souper Bowl of Caring

Souper Bowl of Caring

Start Date: Sunday, February 09, 2025 09:00 am

End Date: Sunday, February 09, 2025 12:00 pm

Location: JSCC Worship Center


The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement that strives to harness the energy and excitement of the Super Bowl to move people to focus on donating food and resources to local charities. Our Johnson Street Youth Ministry is participating in the event again this year and needs your help.

On the morning of Super Bowl Sunday, February 9th, our JSY students will be collecting money and food to support the RAM Pantry that helps provide food to students at ASU. Teens will be on hand before Bible class and the worship service to come collect food donations from your vehicle, or you can bring them in to the church lobby. Food donation suggestions are canned meat, canned soup, ramen, and instant oatmeal. Thank you for helping our JSY students tackle hunger in our community!